Samantha Completes 13 Phenomenal Years In Indian Films 

Samantha is a leading actress in the  South Indian film industry

She entered Industry without any background 

Now she’s one of the highest-paid actresses  in India

Samantha won more than 45 Awards  in her 13 years career

13 years of consistency, hard work and power-packed performances

Her journey, strength & determination is an inspiration to many

Despite all odds, she managed to succeed and gain huge fandom

She’s the only actress to get 10 awards for  a single role

She even fought and won Myositis recently 

Her journey teaches us that success isn't final, failure isn't fatal

Samantha is an ace performer who can pull any character with ease

Her hard work and determination towards her work is always an example for us

Samantha fans are showering their love on Twitter with #13PhenomenalYrsOfSamantha