Mrunal Thakur is a well known actress

Mrunal starts her day with a refreshing face wash and a little moisturizer and sunscreen.

Mrunal reveals that she never skips Vitamin C from her skin care or diet to maintain the glow of the skin and energy.

Mrunal consumes ABC (Apple Beetroot and Carrot) juice that is healthy for the skin and also her beauty secret.

Mrunal uses alot of face mask and serums on shoot days to restore the glow of skin back as she put her make up on for so long.

On her holidays, Mrunal goes for DIYs like aloe vera, tomato or fruits that she find around, she applies it on her face to nourish the skin naturally.

Mrunal is currently obsessed with the face yoga and the surprising results better than the face massage.

Mrunal's go to household DIY is aloevera as she grows alot of aloevera in her garden. she puts the pulp of aloevera in fridge for 20 mins and apply on her face.

Mrunal's night skin care starts with removing the make up and cleansing the skin.

Mrunal doesn't hit the sack without consuming 2 glasses of water to stay hydrated.

Mrunal shared her bed time ritual that she likes falling asleep while reading something or watching something.

Mrunal pampers her hair with aloe vera and coconut oil to nourish the scalp rather than the conditioners or any other products.

Mrunal believes that workout plays a crucial role in the texture of skin and health of body.

Mrunal's obsession with makeup is 'Smokey eyes' anytime .

Mrunal defines beauty as 'Beauty is being comfortable in our own skin and body.